Thursday, December 16, 2010

my new 'dora' haircut,DAMN YOU DORA!

so........i have a new haircut........

it's weird and it's dora's model

Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Favorite Things to Munch

WELL.....what can i say,I LOVE EATING!!!!! but i dont like cooking,hahahah
but,i ate alot! i love  taking culinary vacations or go to a place to eat with my family or friends! or just cook it if it's easy enough to cook,hahaha.


1.Instant Noodles

and it contains MSG powder that will boost your energy!!!! yeah,probably i will get cancer if i keep eating this,but WHO CARES!!! we all are gonna die but in different ways! so it's my right to eat instant noodles or ramens as many as i want!!!!!!!
and instant noodles is very easy to cook and it doesnt need alot of time!!!!!! LONG LIVE INSTANT NOODLES!!!!!!!!!!!


pastas are GREAT!!! they tasted good,WITH EVERYTHING! i even ate macaroni and chili sauce if i ran out of food!! and all you need is boil them is hot water,and then you pour whatever wheter it's spagetti sauce or cheese or hot chili sauce.i love pasta! i heart pasta!


the best breakfast dish in my agenda!!!!!!!!! i love love love love pancakes! especially with whipped creams or cherries or butter,or bananas!!! and you can get alot of energy after eating pancakes!!!

4.Steak,Bacon,Ribs,ALL MEAT PRODUCT!!

i love eating meat,i'm actually carnivora,hahahaha ;D
they said that if u ate steak or bacon or a burger you can survive for a week if theres a hunger disaster or the apocalypse and you have nothing to eat.

and at last....


IS THE BEST DISH OF ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! with the spectackles when we eat them,and the juicy meat,and all the tasty flavors....ooh i love crab :*

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (The Beatles)

is like the coolest song that was ever written in the 60's!
and this video clip is awsome!
love the color of the 60's

The premiere of Harry Potter!!!! :D

tee hee hee......feeling so happy cause i already WATCHED HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 1!!!!!!!!!!
aaggh......!!!! it even made me cried two times!!!! Dear Lord!!!!!!1 Harry Potter is the best movie ever!!!!
well,i went to blitzmegaplex with Glorya after school and WE WERE STILL WEARING OUR SCHOOL UNIFORM!!!!!!!

yeah,so we just rushed there to the blitz and then we got the ticket! YAY!
and the movie was ofcourse AWSOME <3
man! i love harry potter :D


Dobby,the hero of the whole movie :D

Saturday, November 13, 2010


well....i know that i'm tomboy.
i dont really prep like other girls.And the guys laugh at my narcisstic photos in my cell phone,hahaha.
but when i was still a little girl,i dreamt of  becoming a model.
i stole my mom's lipsticks,clothes and shoes and then i asked someone to take a pic of me.
and then,as i grew up.....i've become chubby,tomboy,and majority of my friends are boys.
i forgotten my childhood dream.
and  now,i'm a high school girl.
tall,average body and still a tomboy girl and still hang out with boys.
and now i want to become a model again :)
and my idol and inspiration is..........TWIGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!

she's the coolest model in the whole world!!!!!!!!!!! and i love her fashion sense!!!!!!! love retro!!!!


Hey! havent updated sice days weeks ago! heheheh
well......I LOVE DRAWING! so here are a few pics that i've drawn recently... :-D
it's about a pond a pack of trees......why are the trees bald?? idk how to draw the leafs!!!!!!!!!
but i try to drew the shadows though.
I really like this drawing,cause it's hard to make and it seems peaceful .

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What a sad day.............. T.T

i cried earlier at's sumpah pemuda's day today and we had an opening KOR ceremony,and a few of my friends....okay i dont know whether they still want to be friends with me or not,told a whole bunch of TRUTH..................

they said that i've been acting snobby,cocky and they said when i'm talking to someone i'm sort of annoy them or something.The point is i'm annoying....probably ten or twenty kids in my class hates me.So,they said that i need to change myself,the way i talk,the way i act......the big problem is I DONT KNOW HOW!!!! and I DONT EVEN REALIZE THAT I'VE BEEN ACTING LIKE A B***H!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my......and i feel bad for them cause i've hurt their i cry.
still want to cry at this minute but i cant stop crying when i already started.
so right now i'm at my friend's dorm,writing this blog,and feeling empty.

Hi! :)

this is my second blog :)
why do i made this second blog??? well...the reason is,now i;m a highschool girl,and i want to start bloggin about my high school life :)
so...i think that's all from now :)
and i have a very busy life lately,so i will blog when i have a free time.
